SAT 3/30/24 -9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up - 1 set: 3:00 run, row, bike, or ski - 2 sets: :30 wide-grip banded pull-downs - :30 PVC pass-throughs - :30 alternating dumbbell deadlifts – Build in load on the deadlifts - 1 set: - 10 handstand shoulder taps (stomach-to-wall) - 10 hanging knee raises - 10 alternating dumbbell sumo deadlift high pulls - 10 handstand hip taps (back-to-wall) - 10 knees-to-armpits - 10 alternating dumbbell snatches - 2:00 handstand walk practice - 1 sets: 15-ft handstand walk - 5 toes-to-bar10 alternating dumbbell snatches -
Partner WOD - 15 Min AMRAP - Alternate rounds -
10 double-dumbbell box step-overs L3-35/25# 24/20” L2-25/15# 20/16” L1-15/10# 16/12”
5 shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet down/25 feet back
-Partners alternate completed rounds-
Total Rounds + Reps
Post WOD - 1:00 calf smash / side - 1:00 couch stretch / side
THU 3/28/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 set: 200-meter row, bike, or ski - 10 arm swings across - 10 arm swings overhead - 10 torso twists - 20 scap pull-ups - :30 jumping jacks - :30 up-downs - :30 burpees – Rope Climb Progressioin: 5 Strict pull ups / ring rows – 4 pull to stands – 3 foot hooks – 2 foot hooks and pulls – 1 rope climb – Mini round: Partner 1: 5 burpees Partner 2: 5 burpees - Partner 1: 1 rope climb or scaled option - Partner 2: 1 rope climb or scaled option –
Partner WOD – 16 Min AMRAP
20 burpees L2-same L1-12 burpees
4 rope climbs to 15’ L2-4 rope climbs AHAP L1-4 pull to stands
– One partner works at a time.
Rounds + Reps
Strength – Accumulate 20 weighted pullups L2-strict pull ups L1-jumping slow descent pull ups
Post WOD - 3 sets: :20 doorway pec stretch/side - 10 PVC pass throughs
WED 3/27/24 WOD
Warm Up - 400-meter jog - 50 feet of each: - Walk on toes - Walk on heels - Bunny hops - High knees - Butt kickers - Lateral shuffle/direction - Karaoke/direction - High knee skipping - Walking lunges - Broad jumps - Burpee broad jumps - 1 set: :30 calf stretch/leg - :30 leg swings/leg - EMOM 3: 200-meter run – Increase pace each minute –
2 mile run L2-1.5 mile run L1-15 Min to max distance
For Time (18 min cap)
-Rest 10 Min-
40 Russian kettlebell swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#
20 box jump-overs L3-24/20” L2-20/16” L1-16/12”
3 Rounds for Time
Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll calf/leg - 1:00 lacrosse ball roll/foot
TUE 3/26/24 WOD
Warm Up - 400-meter jog - 50 feet of each: - Walk on toes - Walk on heels - Bunny hops - High knees - Butt kickers - Lateral shuffle/direction - Karaoke/direction - High knee skipping - Walking lunges - Broad jumps - Burpee broad jumps - 1 set: :30 calf stretch/leg - :30 leg swings/leg - EMOM 3: 200-meter run – Increase pace each minute –
Warm Up - 1 set: 3:00 run, row, bike, or ski - 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Cossack squats - :20 mountain climbers - 10 counterbalance squat - 1 set: Use Snatch or Clean grip: 10 snatch deadlifts (empty barbell) - 8 snatch deadlifts to mid-thigh - 6 snatch deadlift and shrugs - 5 muscle snatches - 5 overhead squats - 5 hang squat snatches - 5 squat snatches –
Strength – Clean or Snatch -
5 -5 at 50-60%+ -
4 -4-4 at 60-70%+ -
3 -3 at 70-80%
25 GHD sit-ups
25 Hip extensions
3 Rounds for Time
Post WOD – 1 min pigeon stretch / side
MON 3/25/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 30 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - 10 push-ups to down dog - 200-meter row - 5 single-arm ring rows/arm - 30 jumping jacks - 5 ring rows - 10 air squats - 200-meter row - 5 jumping pull-ups - 10 front squats (Empty bar) - 30 jumping jacks - 5 pull-ups - 10 push presses - 200-meter row = 5 pull-ups - 5 thrusters (Empty bar) - 5 pull-ups - 5 thrusters (Empty bar) –
WOD I – “Jackie”
1,000-meter row L2-800m L1-600m
50 thrusters L3-45/35# L2-35/25# L1-25/15#
30 pull-ups L2-Jumping pullups L1-Ring rows
For Time (15 Min Cap)
30 double-unders L2-15 DUs L2-30 singles
3 strict ring muscle ups L2-3 strict pull ups 3 ring dips L1-6 ring rows 6 bench dips
5 Rounds for Time (10 Min Cap)
20 alternating single-leg toes-to-bars
:30 single-arm plank (right)
10 back extensions
:30 single-arm plank (left)
Rounds + Reps
Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm or Accumulate 1:00 bar hang
FRI 3/22/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1:00 row, bike, ski, or run - 10 scorpion stretch (slow) - 10 table tops (slow) - 1:00 row, bike, ski, or run - 10 good mornings + hop - 10 leg swings/leg
WOD I – Row, bike, ski, or run.
1:40 on / :20 off – 3 rounds for distance
– Rest 2:00
. 1:40 on / :20 off – 3 rounds for distance
60 walking lunges L2-same L1-40 reps
40 double-unders L2-20 DUs L1- 40 singles
20 GHD sit-ups L2-Med ball sit ups L1-lying toes to bar
3 rounds for time (15 Min Cap)
Strength – 8 Min EMOM - Use this session to work on barbell cycling 3 touch-and-go power cleans
Post WOD - 2 rounds: 1:00 calf roll/side - 1:00 quad smash/side
THU 3/21/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets: :20 Spiderman stretches/side - 10 alternating toy soldiers - 10 alternating plank reach-throughs - 10 alternating reverse lunges - 2 sets: :30 row - :20 rest - :30 air squats - :20 rest - :30 Sots presses - :20 rest – Snatch grip: 8 DL to mid thigh – 8 DL shrugs – 8 muscle snatches – 8 ohs – 8 high hang squat snatches – 8 hang squat snatches – 8 snatches - 3 rounds: 5 squat snatches - 5 hand-release push-ups - 5-calorie row - Rest 1:00 – Build to workout weight across the 3 sets. – Increase row pace across the 3 sets
5 squat snatches L3-115/75# L2-75/55# L1-45/35#
20 hand-release push-ups L2-15 L1-10 elevated
15-cal row L2-same L1-10 cals
10 squat snatches L2-same L1-same
20 hand-release push-ups L2-15 L1-10 elevated
15-cal row L2-same L1-10 cals
15 squat snatches L2-same L1-same
20 hand-release push-ups L2-15 L1-10 elevated
15-cal row L2-same L1-10 cals
For Time (12 min CAP)
100ft farmers carry (you pick weight)
25 Double unders L2-15 DUs L1-25 singles
5 Rounds for Time (10 Min CAP)
Post WOD - 1 set: 1:00 lacrosse ball chest mash/side - 1:00 lacrosse ball shoulder mash/side
WED 3/20/24 WOD
Warm Up - 100-meter jog - 5 inchworm push-ups - 10 banded pass-throughs - 15 banded pull-aparts - 10 air squats - 100-meter jog - 10 kip swings - 10 double-dumbbell deadlifts 100-meter jog - 10 kip swings (bigger) - 25-meter double-dumbbell farmers carry - 100-meter jog - 5 kipping pull-ups - 50-meter double-meter farmers carry - 100-meter jog - 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
WOD – 12 Min AMRAP
50-meter double-dumbbell farmers carry L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
100-meter run
10 chest-to-bar pull-up L2-10 pull ups L1-10 seated ring pull ups
Rounds + Reps
Strength – Shoulder Press – 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Post WOD - :45 scorpion stretch/side - :45 lacrosse ball upper back/side - :45 table top stretch
TUE 3/19/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2:00 run, bike, or row - 3 sets: 6 push-ups - 8 alternating Cossack squats - 10 dumbbell goblet squats – Front Squats: Empty bar – 3 reps of 2 inch sqts – 3 pause front squats - 6 front squats – Build up: 4 sets: 5 front squats (building) – Build to 70-80% of 1-rep-max front squat – 2 min per set -
Strength – Front Squats – 5-5-5-5-5 – 3 min per set -
WOD – 10 Min AMRAp
5 Wall ball shots 20/14# L2-16/12# L1-14/10#
10 Abmat sit ups
15 Squats
Rounds + Reps
Post WOD- 2 sets: :30 cobra stretch - :30 Spiderman stretch, left - :30 Spiderman stretch, right
MON 3/18/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1:30 bike, row, or ski (easy) - 10 push-ups to down dog - 10 good mornings (empty barbell) - 10 alternating reverse lunges - :45 bike, row, or Ski-erg (easy) - :45 row (moderate) - 10 deadlifts (empty barbell) - 10 inchworms + push-up - :30 bike, row, or Ski-erg (easy) - 1:00 row (hard) - 2 wall walks - 8 deadlifts (workout weight) – Rest 1:00 - 2 wall walks - 8 deadlifts (workout weight) –
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 L2-same L1-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Deadlifts L3-115/85# L2-95/65# L1-75/55# – Complete 2 wall walks between each set -
Strength – Every 2:30 –
5 Bench Presses (add weight each set)
10 Strict Pull ups L2-kipping pullups L1-jumping pull ups
8 sets for load
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 Samson stretch/side - :30 elevated pigeon stretch/side
FRI 3/15/24 CrossFit Open 24.3
Warm Up - :30 jumping jacks - 10 air squats - 10 shoulder presses (empty barbell) - :30 up-downs - 10 bent-over rows (empty barbell) - 10 front squats - :30 burpees - 5 barbell complexes – 1 complex = 1 power clean + 2 thrusters – Muscle up: 6 kip swings – 3 kip swings + 3 big kips – 3 kipping pull ups – 3 chest to bar pull ups – 1:00 bar muscle up practice – Mini round: 5 thrusters - 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups - 5 thrusters - 3 bar muscle-ups –
WOD 24.3
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters L3-95/65# L2-65/45# L1-35/15#
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups L2-10 jumping C2B pull ups L1-10 bent over rows 45/35#
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-45/35#
7 bar muscle-ups L2-7 pull ups L1-pushups
*Time cap: 15:00
For Time (using a running clock)
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 frog stretch - :30 couch stretch/leg
THU 3/14/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 200-meter run, slow - :30 alternating hamstring scoops - 2 sets: :30 running position drill per leg - :30 lean and pull drill - :30 running falling drill - 100-meter run – Rower: 15 pulls x 4 sets (increase intensity with each set) –
1,000-m row L2-800m L1-600m
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
750-m row L2-650 L1-550
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
500-m row L2-400m L1-300m
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m 2
50-m row L2-same L1-200m
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
For Total Time
Post WOD - Accumulate: 3:00 plank hold - 2 sets: - :30 child’s pose - :20 Samson stretch/leg
WED 3/13/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3:00 run, row, bike, or Ski-erg - 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Cossack squats - :20 mountain climbers - 10 counterbalance squats1 set: 10 snatch/clean deadlifts (empty barbell) - 10 snatch/clean deadlifts to mid-thigh - 10 snatch/clean deadlift and shrugs - 10 muscle snatch/clean - 10 overhead/front squats - 10 hang squat snatch/clean - 10 squat snatch/clean –
Strength – Snatch or Clean – 5-5-5 (50-60%) 4-4-4-4-4 (60-70%)
15 dumbbell push presses L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
50-ft dumbbell front rack walking lunges L2-same L1-25ft dumbbell front rack walking lunges
50 double-unders L2-15 DUs/Attempts L1-50 singles
– Use two dumbbells –
3 Rounds for Time
Post WOD – 2 sets: :30 foam roll IT band/leg - :30 lacrosse ball roll/foot
TUE 3/12/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets: 1:00 bike, row, or ski - 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 5 push-ups to down dog - 10 alternating plank reach-throughs - 1 set: 1 shuttle run - 5 jumping pull-ups - 1 set: 1 shuttle run - 5 kip swings - 1 shuttle run – 5 kip to lever down – 1 shuttle run – 1 bar muscle up –
3 bar muscle-ups L2-1 bar muscle-up L1-5 ring rows
5 shuttle runs L2-same L1-3 shuttle runs – 1 shuttle run is 25 feet down/25 feet back –
10 Rounds for Time
2:00 max calorie air bike
– Rest 1:00 –
5 sets
Total Calories
Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm
MON 3/11/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 30 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - 10 push-ups to down dog - 1:00 row, bike, or ski - 10 sumo deadlifts (empty barbell) - 10 med-ball front squats - 10 sumo-deadlift + shrugs (empty barbell) - 10 med-ball push presses - 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (empty barbell) - 10 wall-ball shots - 2 sets: 5 sumo deadlift high pulls (working weight) - 5 wall-ball shots – Rest 1:00 between sets –
Partner WOD – Alternate completed rounds –
20 Min AMRAP
10 sumo deadlift high pulls L3-75/55# L2-65/45# L1-45/25#
10 wall-ball shots L3-20/14# to 11/10ft L2-16/12# to 10/9ft L1-14/10# to 9/8ft
– Each partner completes a full round before switching –
- One partner works at a time –
Total Reps
Strength - Shoulder press - 3-3-3-3-3+ – Max reps on the last set.
Post WOD - 200-m recovery walk - 1:00 couch stretch/leg
SAT 3/9/24 - 9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up
3 rounds: 20 jumping jacks - 10 kettlebell deadlifts - 10 knee push-ups - 10 air squats - 20 jumping jacks - 10 Russian kettlebell swings - 10 push-ups - 10 air squats - Snatch warm up: Empty Bar - 5 snatch grip deadlifts - 5 snatch power pulls - 5 muscle snatches - 5 hang power snatches - 5 power snatches - Power snatches: build up to working weight - 5-5-5 (quick reset)
Partner WOD
100 air squats L2-80 reps L1-60 reps
50 Russian KB swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#
20 power snatches L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-55/35#
3 Rounds for Time
Post WOD: :30 couch stretch/side - 1:00 double-forearm stretch
FRI 3/8/24 CrossFit Open 24.2
Warm Up - 10 pulls on the rower - 5 elbow-to-instep/leg - 10 good mornings (empty barbell) - 3 sets, with a partner: 10 pulls on the rower - 5 deadlifts - 10 double-unders – Rest long enough between sets to add load to the barbell. – Build to workout load –
WOD - 20 Min AMRAP
300-meter row
10 deadlift L3-185/125# L2-135/95# L1-75/55#
50 double-unders L2-singles L1-singles or jumping jacks
Rounds + Reps
Post WOD - :30 scorpion stretch hold/side - :30 pigeon stretch/leg
THU 3/7/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 rounds: :45 single-unders - :45 inchworm + push-ups - :45 hollow rocks - :45 burpee + max-effort jump and reaches – Rest :15 between movements – with PVC: 10 second overhead hold – 5 super slow shoulder presses – 5 cycling reps – repeat with empty bar - 3 sets: 3 shoulder presses – Build to around 80% of 1-rep-max shoulder press –
Strength – Shoulder Press – 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (2 min per set)
WOD – “Tabata” Sit ups
:20 of work / :10 of rest
8 Rounds for Total Reps
Post WOD – 3 sets: :30 reach, roll, and lift - 20 banded pull-apart - :30 bar hang (change grip each set)
WED 3/6/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3:00 run, row, bike, or Ski-erg - 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Cossack squats - :20 mountain climbers - 10 counterbalance squats - 2 sets: 5 snatch deadlifts (empty barbell) - 5 snatch deadlifts to mid-thigh - 5 snatch deadlift and shrugs - 5 muscle snatches - 5 overhead squats - 5 hang squat snatches - 5 squat snatches –
Strength – Snatch or Clean (you choose)
5-5-5-5 (50-60%)
4-4-4 (60-70%)
WOD (15 Min Cap)
400-meter run L2-300m L1-200m
21 knees-to-elbows L2-21 knees to armpits L1-21 knees as high as possible
12 double-dumbbell hang squat cleans L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
3 Rounds for Time
Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side or 2:00 accumulated bar hang (you choose)