THU 3/14/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 200-meter run, slow - :30 alternating hamstring scoops - 2 sets: :30 running position drill per leg - :30 lean and pull drill - :30 running falling drill - 100-meter run – Rower: 15 pulls x 4 sets (increase intensity with each set) –
1,000-m row L2-800m L1-600m
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
750-m row L2-650 L1-550
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
500-m row L2-400m L1-300m
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
250-m row L2-same L1-200m
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
For Total Time
Post WOD - Accumulate: 3:00 plank hold - 2 sets: - :30 child’s pose - :20 Samson stretch/leg