THU 3/28/24 WOD

Warm Up - 2 set:  200-meter row, bike, or ski - 10 arm swings across - 10 arm swings overhead - 10 torso twists - 20 scap pull-ups - :30 jumping jacks - :30 up-downs - :30 burpees – Rope Climb Progressioin:  5 Strict pull ups / ring rows – 4 pull to stands – 3 foot hooks – 2 foot hooks and pulls – 1 rope climb – Mini round:  Partner 1: 5 burpees
Partner 2: 5 burpees - Partner 1: 1 rope climb or scaled option - Partner 2: 1 rope climb or scaled option –

Partner WOD – 16 Min AMRAP
20 burpees L2-same L1-12 burpees
4 rope climbs to 15’ L2-4 rope climbs AHAP L1-4 pull to stands
– One partner works at a time.

Rounds + Reps
Strength – Accumulate 20 weighted pullups L2-strict pull ups L1-jumping slow descent pull ups

Post WOD - 3 sets:  :20 doorway pec stretch/side - 10 PVC pass throughs


FRI 3/29/24 WOD


WED 3/27/24 WOD