TUE 11/5/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: :30 Samson stretch lunge/side - 10 PVC overhead squats (weight in heels) - 10 strict sit-ups (minimal arm movement) - 10 good mornings (neutral spine) - 10 strict pull-ups (full range of motion) - 10 strict ring dips (full range of motion) - 1 set: :30 row | chest and torso upright. - :30 row | hold the end of the stroke for :01. - :30 row | return the arms before the knees bend - :30 | speed up the cadence, but still extend the arms before the knees bend. - 2 sets: 150-meter row, moderate pace - 1:00 rest
300-meter row L2-250m L1-200m
– Rest 1:00 between sets
10 Rounds for total time
Strength – 3 Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk - 6 sets ( 3 min per set)
Post WOD - 1:30 saddle stretch - 1:30 child’s pose stretch
MON 11/4/24 WOD
Warm Up - :20 Samson stretch/leg - 10 hollow rocks - 10 box step-overs - :10 ring support hold - 5 ring rows - :20 Samson stretch/leg - 10 hollow rocks - 10 box step-overs - 10 push-ups - 5 foot-elevated ring rows - :20 Samson stretch/leg - 10 V-ups - 10 jump-overs - 5 ring dips - 3 pull-ups – Bar muscle up: 6 kip swings – 3 kip swings + 3 lever downs – 3 kipping pull ups – 3 chest to bar pullups – 2 min climbing pullup drill – 1 min bar muscle up practice – WOD prep: 2 sets: 5 box jump-overs - 1 bar muscle-ups – Rest 1:00 between sets –
10 box jumps L3-24/20” L2-20/16” L1-16/12”
3 bar muscle-ups L2-1 bar muscle up L1-5 ring rows + 5 box dips
Rounds + Reps
Strength – 1 clean pull + 1 hang power clean + 1 hang squat clean – 6 sets (3 min per set)
Post WOD - 1:00 double-forearm stretch - 1:00 couch stretch/leg
SAT 11/2/24 - 9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up - 400-meter jog - 10 leg swings/leg - 10 lateral leg swings/leg - 10 unweighted good mornings - 20 alternating torso twists - :20 Samson stretch/leg - 5 Spiderman twists/leg - 20 alternating scorpion stretches - 20 alternating lying hip crossovers - AMRAP 3: 10 jumping jacks - 5 up-downs - 5 push-ups - 10 alternating jumping lunges - Mini round: 200-meter run - 30 double-unders - 10 dumbbell goblet carry reverse lunges
Partner WOD
6 rounds for time: Partners will alternate movements until workout is complete.
400-m run L2-300m L1-200m
30 double-unders L2-15 DUs L1-30 singles
20 DB goblet carry reverse lunges L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
Post WOD
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll upper back
1:00 foam roll lats
FRI 11/1/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: 20 jumping jacks - 10 Spiderman lunges - 10 Cossack squats (5/leg) - 5 goblet squats - 5 paused goblet squats – Back Squat: 2 sets: Empty Bar - 3 reps ¼ squat – 3 reps ½ squats – 5 pause back squats – 5 back squats – Build up: 3-3-3 (add weight) –
Strength – Back Squat – 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
WOD – 12 Min EMOM
Min 1: 45 sec alternating single leg squats
Min 2: 1 min Bike or Row
Total reps + calories
Post WOD - 1:00 standing pike stretch (feet narrow) - 1:00 standing pike stretch (feet wide)
THU 10/31/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: 20 jumping jacks - 10 kettlebell deadlifts - 50-ft single-arm kettlebell overhead carry/arm - 10 single-arm kettlebell swings/arm – Row: 30 sec row – Rest 30 sec – 5 sets - (gradually increase intensity with each set) - 2 rounds: 7 Russian kettlebell swings - 20 pulls on the rower – Rest 1:00 between rounds –
4 Min rounds:
30 Russian KB swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#
Max-cal row or bike
– Rest 1:00 between rounds –
5 sets for total calories
Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm
WED 10/30/24 WOD
Warm Up - EMOM 8: Min. 1 | :45 bike, row, or ski - Min. 2 | 10 alternating Samson stretches - 2 set: PVC / Empty Bar: 5 hang snatch high pulls - 5 hang muscle snatches - 5 behind-the-neck push jerks - 5 overhead squats - 5 hang power snatches - 3 sets: 3 hang power snatches - 3 overhead squats – Build in load to just under your first working set –
Hang power snatches L3-95/65# L2-65/45# L1-55/25#
Overhead squats
For Time
Strength – Front Squat - 10-8-8-6-6 (3 Min per set)
Post WOD - :45 scorpion stretch/side - :45 table top stretch
TUE 10/29/24 Partner WOD
Warm Up - Partner 1 | 1:00 on machine of choice, slow - Partner 2 | 1:00 on machine of choice, slow - 10 leg swings/leg - 10 alternating plank shoulder taps - 10 lateral leg swings/leg - 5 push-ups from the knees - 10 arm swings - 5 push-ups - 10 alternating Cossack squats - 5 burpees, slow - 10 alternating lunges - 5 burpees, fast
Partner 1 | 1:00 on machine of choice, moderate pace - Partner 2 | 1:00 on machine of choice, moderate pace – During the 1:00 on machine, the non-working partner performs 1:00 alternating Samson stretch – Mini round: P1: 200m (fast) –then- P2: 200m fast –then- Both P1 & P2 perform 5 burpees –
Partner WOD – 30 min max distance on machine of choice
– Trade off as desired.
– Starting at :00 and again every 2:00 partners each perform 10 burpees together.
For Total Distance
Post WOD - :30 standing hamstring stretch/leg - :30 elevated pigeon stretch/side
MON 10/28/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets: 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - 10 alternating plank reach-throughs - 10 good morning + hops - 1 set: 10 clean grip deadlifts (Empty Bar) - 8 clean pulls - 6 muscle cleans - 5 front squats - 5 strict presses - 5 push press - 5 push jerk or split jerk - 5 hang squat clean and jerk - 5 squat clean and jerk – Build up: Clean & Jerks 2-2-2-2
WOD – Heavy “Grace”
30 Clean & Jerks L3-225/155# L2-155/105# L1-75/55#
For Time (15 Min CAP)
Strength – Clean & Jerk – 3-3-3-2-2-1-1
Post WOD - 1:00 couch stretch/side - 1:00 straddle stretch
SAT 10/26/24 -9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up
3 rounds: 200-meter run or ski - 10 alternating Spiderman stretch + reaches - 10 push-ups to downward dog - 10 reverse lunges - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 air squats - 10 scap pull-ups Knees to elbows: 5 small kips - 5 kips + lever down - 5 knees to armpits - 5 knees to elbows - Front rack dumbbell lunge: 4 reverse lunges (no weight) - 4 front rack reverse lunges (light weight) - 4 front rack reverse lunges (med weight) - 4 front rack reverse lunges (working weight) -
80 knees-to-elbows L2-knees as high as possible L1-lying T2B
80 alternating double-DB front-rack lunges L3-35/20# L2-25/15# L1-15/10#
– Rest 2:00
60 knees-to-elbows
60 alternating double-DB front-rack lunges
– Rest 1:00
40 knees-to-elbows
40 alternating double-DB front-rack lunges
For time
Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll quads - 1:00 foam roll upper back - 1:00 foam roll calves
FRI 10/25/24 WOD
Warm Up - 200-meter jog - AMRAP 4: 5 Kang squats - 10 alternating hamstring scoop stretches - 5 up-downs - 10 alternating Cossack squats – Rower: 15 pulls (easy pace) - 15 pulls (18-20 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 good mornings + jump - 15 pulls on the rower (22-24 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 air squats - 15 pulls on the rower (22-24 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 air squats 15 pulls on the rower (22-24 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 air squats - 15 pulls on the rower (26-30+ strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 jumping air squats –
800-m run L2-600m L1-400m
1,000-m row L2-800m L1-500m
3 rounds for time
Post WOD – 2 sets: :30 foam roll IT band/leg - :30 lacrosse ball roll/foot
THU 10/24/24 WOD
Warm Up – 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - :20 mountain climbers - :20 wide-stance air squats - 1 set: 5 elbow-to-instep/leg - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 lying hip crossovers
10 alternating Samson stretches - Every :30 for 10 sets: 1 wall-facing squat – Hold the bottom for :05 before standing – Wall Ball Shots: 3 med ball squats – 5 wall ball shots (pause at bottom) – 5 wall ball shots – 7 wall ball shots –
WOD – “Karen”
150 wall-ball shots L3-20/14# L2-125 @ 16/12# L1-75 @ 14/10#
For time
Strength – Front Squat – 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (3 Min per set)
Post WOD - 1:00 couch stretch/leg
WED 10/23/24 WOD
Warm Up - 50 mountain climbers - 10 Kang squats (unloaded) - 10 Cossack squats - 10 scorpions - 10 push-ups - 50 mountain climbers - 10 Samson stretches - 10 wall-facing squats - 10 up-downs - :30 jump rope - 2 sets: 1:00 bike, row, or ski - :30 jump rope - 2 sets: 5 burpees - :30 jump rope – Rest 1:00 between sets -
50 burpees L2-40 reps L1-25 reps
200 double-unders L2-80 reps L1-200 singles
50 burpees L2-40 reps L1-25 reps
For Time
Strength – Weighted Pull ups – 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (2 min per set)
Post WOD - 1:00 lacrosse ball foot roll/foot
TUE 10/22/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 20 sec zig zag jumps - 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - 10 push-ups to down dog - 100-meter jog - 5 single-arm ring rows/arm – 20 sec criss cross jump - 5 ring rows - 10 air squats - 100-meter jog - 5 jumping pull-ups - 10 kettlebell deadlifts (workout weight) - 10 good mornings - 5 pull-ups - 10 Russian kettlebell swings (workout weight) - 200-meter run - 5 pull-ups - 5 kettlebell swings - 5 pull-ups - 5 kettlebell swings
WOD – “Helen”
400m Run L2-300m L1-200m
21 kettlebell swings 55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#
12 pull ups L2-jumping pull ups L1-ring rows
3 Rounds for Time
WOD II – row / bike / ski
1:40 on / :20 off
3 rounds
-Rest 2:00-
1:40 on / :20 off
2 rounds
Total Time
Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll lat/side
MON 10/21/24 Strength/Partner WOD
Warm Up - 3:00 run, row, bike, or ski - 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Cossack squats - :20 mountain climbers - 10 counterbalance squats – Snatch: 10 snatch deadlifts (empty barbell) – 8 snatch deadlift and shrugs - 6 muscle snatches – 5 overhead squats – 5 hang squat snatches – 5 squat snatches –
Strength – Snatch – 3-2-2-2-1-1-1
Partner WOD – “Triple Isabel”
90 Snatches L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-55/35#
*share the work – only one works at a time
*use two bars if needed for different weight
For Time (15 Min CAP)
Post WOD – 2 Min accumulated bar/ring hang
SAT 10/19/24 -9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up - 1 set: Partner 1 | 1:00 row - Partner 2 | Alternating Spiderman stretch
– Switch after partner 1 finishes the row.
MED-BALL TOSS WARM-UP | 10:00 - 1 set: :30 back-to-back twist passes/direction - :45 granny tosses - :45 chest passes - :30 side tosses, right - :30 side tosses, left - :45 roll passes - :45 overhead throws - :45 squat throws
Partner Row Warm Up - 3 sets per partner: :10 row, moderate - :10 row, fast - :10 row, sprint
– Partners take turns working through sets.
– One partner rests while the other works.
Partner WOD - 20 Min AMRAP:
Row for calories
– Switch as needed.
For Total Calories
Post WOD - 2 sets: 1:00 standing pike stretch - 1:00 saddle stretch
FRI 10/18/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets :20 jumping jacks - :10 rest - :20 inchworm + push-ups - :10 rest - :20 air squats - :10 rest - :20 scap pull-ups - :10 rest - 2 box step-ups – Movement Prep: 3 box jumps (step down) - 5 jumping pull-ups - 3 Russian kettlebell swings - 3 kettlebell swings - 4 walking-lunge steps - 3 hanging leg raises - 3 knees-to-elbows - 3 shoulder presses - 3 push presses - 3 GHD hip extensions - 5 wall-ball shots - 3 burpees - 5 double-unders –
50 box jumps L3-24/20” L2-40@20/16” L1-30 box step ups 16/12”
50 jumping pull-ups L2-40 reps L1-30 ring rows
50 KB swings L3-35/25# L2-40 @ 25/15# L1-20/15#
50 walking-lunge steps L2-40 reps L1-30 reps
50 knees-to-elbows L2-40 @ KAHAP L1-30 lying T2B
50 push presses L3-45/35# L2- 40 @ 35/25# L1-30 @ 25/15#
50 GHD hip extensions L2-40 good mornings L1-30 superman
50 wall-ball shots L3-20/14# L2-40 @ 16/12# L1-30 @ 14/10#
50 burpees L2-40 reps L1-30 reps
50 double-unders L2-40 DUs L1-50 singles
For Time
Post WOD - 1:00 sit and reach (right leg) - 1:00 sit and reach (left leg) - 1:00 sit and reach (straddle)
THU 10/17/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: :30 slow PVC pass-throughs - :30 jumping jacks - :30 jumping squats – OHS: 3 back rack push jerks – 3 (3 inch) OHS – 3 (6 inch) OHS – 5 OHS – 5 OHS -
Strength – Overhead Squat – 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (3 Min per set)
200m double kettlebell front rack carry (you pick the weight)
For Time
Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll T-spine - 1:00 foam roll glute-med/side
WED 10/16/24 WOD
Warm Up - EMOM 8:
Min. 1 | 1:00 bike, row, ski, or run
Min. 2 | 5 left-arm dumbbell windmills + 5 presses
Min. 3 | 5 right-arm dumbbell windmills + 5 presses
Min. 4 | 10 PVC pass-throughs + 10 PVC front squats
30 jumping jacks - 5 kip swings - 5 kip swings + press down - 5 pull-ups - 5 front squats (empty barbell) - 5 push presses - 5 thrusters - 1 set: - 1:00 bike, row, ski, or run (moderate to fast pace) - 10 pull-ups - 10 thrusters (workout weight)
WOD – “Fran”
21-15-9 L2-same L1-15-12-6
Thrusters 95/65# L2-65/45# L1-45/25#
Pull ups L2-Jumping pull ups L1-Ring rows
For Time
200m Run L2-same L1-100m
– Rest 1 Min
5 sets for Total time
Post WOD - 1:00 lacrosse ball chest mash/side - 1:00 lacrosse ball shoulder mash/side – 1:00 lacrosse ball calf smash/side
TUE 10/15/24 WOD
Warm Up - 5 inchworm + push-ups - 5 over/under-the-fence/direction - 100-meter jog - 5 push-ups from the knees - 5 elbow-to-instep/leg - 100-meter run (faster) - 5 push-ups - :20 Samson stretch/leg - 400m run – Hang power cleans: 5 dip + stand - 5 dip-drive + shrugs – 5 dip-drive + high pulls – 5 hang muscle cleans – 5 hang power cleans – Build up: Hang power cleans: 5-5-5 – Mini round: 100-meter run - 10 push-ups - 7 hang power cleans - 100-meter run –
21 push-ups L2-15 pushups L1-12 knee pushups
12 hang power cleans L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-45/35#
800-m run L2-600m L1-400m
3 Rounds for Time
Strength – Hang Power Clean – 3-3-3-3-3 (2 min per set)
Skills – 10 v-ups – 3 forward or log rolls (each way) – 3 sets (Rest 1 min between sets)
Post WOD – 1:30 couch stretch/side
MON 10/14/24 WOD
Warm Up - 50 mountain climbers - 10 Kang squats (unloaded) - 10 Cossack squats - 10 scorpions - 10 leg swings/leg - 50 mountain climbers - 10 Samson stretches - 10 reps plate squat therapy - 10 burpees - 10 deadlifts (empty barbell) - 1:00 jump rope - 5 sets: 3 deadlifts (building) - :20 jump rope
30 double-unders L2-15 double unders L1-30 singles
3 deadlifts L3-315/205# L2-225/155# L1-95/65#
10 rounds for time
2 sets on a bike:
500-meter easy-to-moderate pace
500-meter sprint pace
1000-meter standing bike
Rest 3:00
Total Time
Post WOD - 1:00 pigeon/side - 1:00 standing calf stretch/side