FRI 10/25/24 WOD
Warm Up - 200-meter jog - AMRAP 4: 5 Kang squats - 10 alternating hamstring scoop stretches - 5 up-downs - 10 alternating Cossack squats – Rower: 15 pulls (easy pace) - 15 pulls (18-20 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 good mornings + jump - 15 pulls on the rower (22-24 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 air squats - 15 pulls on the rower (22-24 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 air squats 15 pulls on the rower (22-24 strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 air squats - 15 pulls on the rower (26-30+ strokes-per-minute pace) - 10 jumping air squats –
800-m run L2-600m L1-400m
1,000-m row L2-800m L1-500m
3 rounds for time
Post WOD – 2 sets: :30 foam roll IT band/leg - :30 lacrosse ball roll/foot