THU 7/27/23 WOD
Warm Up – 200m Run - 10 alternating spiderman stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (across the body) - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (forward and backward) - :30 jumping jacks - 10 single-leg toe touches/leg - 20 alternating reverse lunges - :30 mountain climbers - 10 unweighted good mornings - 20 walking lunge steps -:30 up-downs – Jump rope progression: :20 of each - jump in place (no rope) – single unders – single + high jump singe – single uner fast + single under slow – single under + double under – Then - :30 double unders - :30 rest (3 rounds) – Every 2 Min – work up to heavy load 4 front rack step back lunges (from the rack) – 4 rounds – Mini Round - 2 left-arm single-DB front-rack step-back lunges - 2 right-arm single-DB front-rack step-back lunges - 8 double-unders –
8 left-arm single-DB front-rack step-back lunges L3-50/35# L2-35/25# L1-25/15#
8 right-arm single-DB front-rack step-back lunges
48 double-unders L2-1:00 DU attempts (up to 48) L1-24 penguin taps
Total Rounds + Reps
Post WOD - :30 tibialis anterior (shin muscle) foam roll each side - :30 calf stretch each side – 2 rounds