FRI 7/28/23 WOD

Warm Up - :30 alternating back rack lunges PVC - :30 push-ups (from knees as needed) - 1:00 air squats - 1:00 lateral burpees over the PVC - :30 PVC good mornings - :30 PVC pass throughs – Empty bar - 5 shoulder presses - 5 front squats - 5 thrusters – 2 sets - 4 shoulder presses - 4 front squats - 4 thrusters – 3 sets

1:30 to accumulate:
4 shoulder presses L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45#
4 front squats
4 thrusters

Max reps over the bar burpees
1:30 rest

7 Rounds for total reps

Strength – Front Squat – 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (every 2 min)

Post WOD – Stretch - :30 banded overhead stretch each side - :30 banded pec stretch each side – 2 sets


SAT 7/29/23 - 9am - 11am - OPEN GYM / Partner WOD -


THU 7/27/23 WOD