THU 2/6/25 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets: 10 Samson stretch lunges - 10 PVC overhead squats - 10 PVC good mornings – 10 PVC pass throughs - 10 hollow rocks - 10 push-ups - 10 ring rows or 5 strict pull-ups – bear crawl – crabwalk – inchworm - 2 sets: 1 shuttle run (10 ft) - 1 shuttle run (20 ft) - 1 shuttle run (30 ft) - 5 burpees – Rest 1:00 between sets.
Every 3:00
:45 to complete:
1 shuttle run (10 ft) L2-same L1-same
1 shuttle run (20 ft) L2-same L1-same
1 shuttle run (30 ft) L2-same
Max-reps burpees
– Rest the remaining 2:15.
7 sets for total burpees
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 foam roll IT band/leg - :30 lacrosse ball roll/foot