SAT 2/22/25 - 9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up - 20 jumping jacks - 5 synchronized inchworms - 20 jumping jacks - 5 synchronized push-ups
10 ring rows - 5 synchronized up-downs - 10 kip swings - 5 synchronized burpees - 10 hanging knee raises - 5 synchronized burpees - Rope climb: 1 pull-to-stand - 2 foot hooks - 1 foot hook + 1 pull + re-establish foot hook - 1 rope climb - Wall walks: 10 alternating plank shoulder taps - 10 alternating feet-on-wall shoulder taps - 1 partial wall walk - 1 wall walk - Muscle up: :15 ring support hold - 5 kneeling false grip ring rows - 3 kneeling muscle-up transitions - 1 ring muscle-ups
Partner WOD -share the work - only one works at a time-
20 synchronized burpees
20 rope climbs to 15ft. L2-14 to as high as possible L1-20 pull to stands
20 synchronized burpees
20 wall walks L2-15 wall walks L1-20 inchworms
20 synchronized burpees
20 muscle-ups L2-15 jumping muscle ups L1-20 ring rows + 20 box dips
– Share the rope climbs, wall walks, and muscle-ups as needed.
For time
Post WOD - Accumulate: 30 reach, roll, and lift