Warm Up - High knee carioca - Knee to chest - Lunge with a torso twist - High knees - Butt kickers – 100m Jog – :30 reverse lunge steps - :30 long reverse lunge steps - :30 elevated reverse lunge - :30 single-leg squat to box - :30 heel hook squat – Mini Round - 2 rounds for time with a partner: 100-m run - 12 alternating single-leg squats
– Run together and 6 single-leg squats each -
Partner WOD
400-m run L2-300m run L1-200m run
40 alternating single-leg squats L2-30 alternating single-leg L1-20 air squats
– Run together and break up the squats as needed.
5 Rounds for Time
POST WOD - 1 set: 1:00 foam roll quads - 1:00 couch stretch/side