TUE 8/22/23 WOD
Warm Up – 2 sets - 10 push-ups to down dog - 10 PVC pass-throughs - :20 handstand hold - 10 PVC push press - 2 sets - - :20 row, bike, or SkiErg - 10 push presses (35/45 lb) - :20 tuck jumps - 3 sets - :15 handstand push-ups - 3 push presses (building in weight) –
Strength – Push Press – 3-3-3-3-3 (4 Min Rounds) after 3 Push presses, immediately complete a set of max HSPU (scale where needed)
1:00 Max cals bike/row
-Rest 2:00-
5 Rounds for total cals
Post WOD – 1:00 Banded elbow shoulder stretch each side – 1:00 alt scorpion stretch each side