FRI 8/11/23 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 10 alternating spiderman stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (across the body) - 10 leg swings/leg (forward and backward) - :20 single-unders - 1 set: 10 KB deadlifts - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - :20 single-unders - 1 set: 10 KB good mornings - 20 alternating reverse lunges - :20 double-unders or single-unders - 2 sets: 20 banded pull-aparts - 15 banded pass-through - 10 hanging scap shrugs - 1 set: 10 strict press (35/45) - 1 set: 10 push press (35/45) - 5 push press (building) - 5 push press (building) - 5 push press (working weight) –
Strength WOD – Push Press – 5-5-5-5-5
30 KB swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-15 @ 35/15#
20 jumping lunges L2-same L1-10 reverse lunges
Rest 5:00, then…
30 KB swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-15 @ 35/15#
20 jumping lunges L2-same L1-10 reverse lunges
– Both attempts should be an all-out effort with a goal to beat the first AMRAP the second time through.
Post WOD - 1:00 banded elbow shoulder stretch each side – 2 Rounds