THU 8/10/23 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 10 leg swings/direction - 20 alternating shoo the turtles - 10 Samson stretch lunge steps - :20 bottom-of-squat hold - 3 sets: 10 lateral banded monster walks/direction - 10 banded good mornings – Wall squats: :30 wall squats toes 6” - :30 wall squats toes 4” - :30 wall squats toes as close as possible – Med ball: 5 Med ball front squats – 5 pause wall ball shots – 5 wall ball shots – 10 wall ball shots - 50-ft of each: High knees - Butt kickers - Skipping high knees - Lateral shuffle/direction - Bunny hops - 1 set: 100-m run - 1 set: 200-m run in under 1:00.
Run 800 m L2-600m L1-400m (5 min)
Max wall-ball shots in remaining time. L3-20/14# L2-16/12# L1-14/10#
– Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs.
3 Rounds for Total Wall Ball Shots
Post WOD – 1:30 couch stretch each leg