WED 8/9/23 WOD

Warm Up - 3:00 run, row, bike, or SkiErg - 3 sets:  :30 wide-grip banded pull-downs - :30 PVC pass-throughs - :30 shoulder-height KB swings – Build in load on the KB swings.

1 set:  10 handstand shoulder taps (stomach-to-wall) - 10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups - 10 handstand hip taps (back-to-wall) - 10 pull-ups - 2:00 handstand walk practice

2 sets:  5 chest-to-bar pull-ups - 15-ft handstand walk –

WOD - 15 Min CAP

15 chest-to-bar pull-ups L2-Kipping pull ups L1-Jumping chest to bar
25-ft handstand walk L2-1:00 handstand walk attempts L1-:30 handstand or Pike shoulder taps

5 Rounds for Time

-Rest 5 Min-

10 Min AMRAP

9/6 cal bike / 12/9 row L2-8/5 cal bike / 11/8 row L1-7/4 cal bike / 10/7 row

10 strict handstand pushups L2-8 kipping hspu L1-10 pike pushups

Rounds + Reps

Post WOD - 2 sets:  1:00 foam roll upper back - :30 cat-cow - :30 standing pike stretch


THU 8/10/23 WOD


TUE 8/8/23 WOD