WED 9/18/24 WOD

Warm Up - 3 rounds:  :45 pizza delivery game - Penalty options:  5 reps of each:  Air squats - Good morning + jumps - Up-downs – Rowing progression:  Set 1: Focus on sitting up tall on the rower / 10 pulls on the rower (easy pace) - Set 2: At 15-20 strokes per minute pace, notice your split time. This should be a lower number / 10 pulls on the rower (15-20 strokes per minute pace) - Set 3: At 20-25 strokes per minute pace, notice your split time. With the same effort as the previous set / 10 pulls on the rower (20-25 strokes per minute pace) - Set 4: At 25-30 strokes per minute pace, notice your split time. With the same effort as the previous / 10 pulls on the rower (25-30 strokes per minute pace) - Set 5: Athlete chooses pace / 15 pulls on the rower

:20 row – Rest :40.
:30 row – Rest :30.
:40 row – Rest :20.
:50 row – Rest :10.
1:00 row – Rest 1:00

5 Rounds for total distance

Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll quads - 1:00 foam roll upper back - 1:00 foam roll lats


THU 9/19/24 WOD


TUE 9/17/24 WOD