THU 9/19/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: :30 single-unders - 3 inchworms - 10 seated leg raises (easy) - 10 strict hanging knee raises - :30 speed singles - 3 inchworms - 10 seated leg raises (moderate) - 5 strict hanging tuck-ups - :30 high jump singles - 3 inchworms - 10 seated leg raises (hard) - 3 strict toes-to-bars - :30 double unders or 30 reps – 5 Russian KB swings - :30 double unders or 30 reps – 5 American KB swings –
12 KB swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#
30 double-unders L2-15 DUs / Attempts L1-15 singles
10 Rounds for Time (15 Min CAP)
5 Strict toes to bar L2-5 Knees to elbow L1-Knees to 90
5 Burpees L2-same L1-3 Burpees
8 Rounds for time
Post WOD - 1:00 lacrosse ball foot/side - 1:00 standing pike stretch