WED 2/22/23 WOD
Stength - 1 Slow Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Squat Snatch - 7 Rounds
WOD - 2:30 Minutes to Complete
12 Thrusters L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45
10 Over the Bar Burpees
-Rest with remaining time-
4 Rounds
Stength - 1 Slow Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Squat Snatch - 7 Rounds
WOD - 2:30 Minutes to Complete
12 Thrusters L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45
10 Over the Bar Burpees
-Rest with remaining time-
4 Rounds