WED 2/14/24 WOD
Warm Up - :30 jumping jacks - :30 mountain climbers - :30 alternating Spiderman stretches - 1:00 air squats (:02 hold in the bottom) – Rack Warm Up: :20 back rack elbow raise, right arm - :20 back rack elbow raise, left arm - :20 back rack alternating elbow raises - :20 back rack elbow raises, both elbow - 10 back squats with elbows high in the back rack - 2 sets: 2-inch front squat + pull elbows up before standing - 4-inch front squat + pull elbows up before standing - 6-inch front squat + pull elbows up before standing – Thrusters: 10 full-grip front squats – 10 wide-stance push press – 5 thrusters (bottom pause :02) – 5 cycling thrusters – Load Up: Thrusters 5-5-5 (5:00 min cap)
Strength – Thruster – 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (2:00 per round)
WOD – Max set of thrusters @ 60% of 1rm
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 scorpion stretch hold/side - :30 pigeon stretch/leg