THU 2/15/24 WOD
Warm Up - 200-meter run, slow - 10 high knees in place - 10 torso twists - 10 jumping jacks - 10 alternating shoulder taps in plank - 10 butt kickers in place - 10 hand-elevated push-ups (use box) - 10 box step-ups - 200-meter run, faster – Handstand walk: 10 plank shoulder taps – 10 pike shoulder taps – 10 handstand shoulder taps – 2 min handstand walk practice - 10 alternating box step up and overs (step down) - 5 box jumps (step down) - 5 box jump-overs (step down) – Mini round: 100-meter run - 20-ft handstand walk - 4 box jump-overs -
12 Min AMRAP
200-m run L2-same L1-100m
50-ft handstand walk L2-24 shoulder taps against wall L1-12 plank shoulder taps
10 box jump-overs L3-24/20” L2-20/116” L1-16/12”
– Step down from the box.
rounds + reps
200m DB overhead KB walk (you pick the weight)
For Time
Post WOD - 2 rounds: 1:00 calf roll/side - 1:00 quad smash/side