WED 1/8/25 WOD

Warm Up - 2 sets:  :30 easy row - :30 moderate row - :30 easy row - :30 hard row - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 5 dumbbell shoulder presses - 5 jumping ring dips – Strict ring dips:  :15 ring support hold - :10 botton of ring hold – 5 foot assisted ring dips – 3 strict ring dips – Strict hspu:  5 pushups to down dog – 5 pike pushups – 3 pike pushups - :20 handstand hold (wall) – 3 handstand negatives – 2 min strict hspu practice – Mini round:  200-meter row, sprint - 8 unbroken strict handstand push-ups - 8 unbroken strict ring dips – Use workout variations

15 strict handstand push-ups L2-10 strict handstand pushups L1-10 pike pushups / strict DB presses
15 strict ring dips L2-10 strict ring dips L3-10 foot assisted dips
1000/800m Row L2-900/700m Row L1-800/600m Row

4 Rounds for Time (28 Min CAP)

Post WOD - 30-50 reps of unweighted A-T-Y drill


THU 1/9/25 WOD


TUE 1/7/25 WOD