THU 1/9/25 WOD
Warm Up – 30 sec shuttle run - 10 alternating Spiderman stretch + reaches - :30 single-unders - 10 plank hold to downward dog - :30 static pull-up bar hang - 200-meter jog, moderate - 10 alternating Samson lunges - :30 high jump single-unders - 10 dead bugs - 10 scap pull-ups - 30 sec shuttle run - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - :30 jump rope (workout variation) - 10 steps bear crawl - 10 kip swings – T2B: 10 kip swings – 3 kip swings + 3 knees to armpits – 3 kip swings + 1 toes to bar – 3 toes to bar – Mini round: 20 double-unders - 5 toes-to-bars – Use workout variations.
100 double-unders L2-50 double unders L1-100 singles
20 toes-to-bars L2-20 knees AHAP L1-10 lying toes to bar
80 double-unders L2-40 double unders L1-80 singles
20 toes-to-bars L2-20 knees AHAP L1-10 lying toes to bar
60 double-unders L2-30 double unders L1-60 singles
20 toes-to-bars L2-20 knees AHAP L1-10 lying toes to bar
40 double-unders L2-20 double unders L1-40 singles
20 toes-to-bars L2-20 knees AHAP L1-10 lying toes to bar
20 double-unders L2-10 double unders L1-20 singles
20 toes-to-bars L2-20 knees AHAP L1-10 lying toes to bar
For Time (12 Min CAP)
90 wall-ball shots L3-20/14# L2-16/12# L1-14/10#
30 Over the bar burpees
30 clean and jerks L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-55/35#
For Time (15 Min CAP)
Post WOD - 1:00 couch stretch/leg - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm