TUE 6/4/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 1:00 jump rope - 10 push-ups to down dog - 10 good mornings (empty barbell) - 10 alternating reverse lunges - 1:00 jump rope - :20 plank hold - 10 inchworms + push-up - :20 plank hold - :30 jump rope - 10 alternating walking lunges - 2 half range of motion wall walks - 10 sit-ups - :30 jump rope - 10 alternating walking lunges - 2 wall walks - 10 sit-ups –
WOD – 10 Min AMRAP
20 alternating walking lunges L2-same L1-10 reps
2 wall walks L2-1 wall walk L1-4 inchworms + knee pushups
20 sit-ups L2-same L1-10 sit ups
2 wall walks L2-1 wall walk L1-4 inchworms + knee pushups
Rounds + Reps
:30 bike at 60 RPMs
:20 bike at 70 RPMs
:10 bike at 80+ RPMs
1:00 bike sub 60 RPMs
5 sets for total calories
Post WOD - 2 sets: 1:00 foam roll upper back - 1:00 foam roll quads