TUE 10/10/23 WOD

Warm Up - Partners run together with the medicine-ball. Switch who holds the ball at the 50-m mark - 1 set: - 100-m run - 5 inchworms + 1 push-up/rep - 100-m run - 10 up-downs - 100-m run - 3 slow burpees – Rest :10 - 4 moderate burpees – Rest :10 - 5 fast burpees – Power snatch:  2 sets:  :20 hold at hang - :10 overhead hold – 3 hang power snatches –

Load up:  3 sets:  2 touch-and go power snatches - 1 power snatch – Rest 1:00 between sets –

Partner WOD
800-m run with a medicine ball L3-20/14# L2-600m @ 16/12# L1-400m @14/10#
24 power snatches L3-155/105# L2-115/75# L1-18 @ 65/45#
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.

3 Rounds for time

Post WOD – 2 sets:  1:00 lacrosse ball foot roll/foot


WED 10/11/23 WOD


MON 10/9/23 WOD