WED 10/11/23 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 400-m run (easy pace) - 25-ft down and back: - Bear crawl (down) - Samson lunges (back) - Spiderman twist - Side lunges - 1 set: 200-m run (moderate pace) - 3 rounds for quality: 10 plank shoulder taps (R/L) to down dog - 10 bootstrappers
- 200-m run FAST/STRIDE – DB thrusters: 6 DB front squats – 6 wide stance DB push press – 6 light DB thrusters, pause overhead – 6 DB thrusters - 2 sets:
5 DB thrusters – Increase in load to workout weight –
21 DB thrusters L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-15 reps @ 25/10#
400-m run L2-same L1-300m
18 DB thrusters L2-same L1-12 reps
400-m run L2-same L1-300m
15 DB thrusters L2-same L1-9 reps
400-m run L2-same L1-300m
– Use two DBs.
Skill Work - On a 5:00 clock: Accumulate 3:00 total minutes of hollow holds – Scale to a variation that allows for :20+ holds at a time. – Rest as needed –
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 couch stretch/leg - :30 elbow-to-instep stretch/leg