THU 9/21/23 WOD
Warm Up – PVC Switch – (20 mountain climbers - 10 PVC around the worlds - 10 PVC shoulder presses - 10 PVC push presses - 20 jumping jacks - 6 alternating elbow-to-insteps) - 3 rounds: :20 in each position of the running position drill - 3 rounds: 10 reps/side of the pulling drill – Cardio machine warm up - 3 rounds: 10 calories - :20 rest – Use machine of choice and pick up the pace each round –
10 Min AMRAP
10/7 calories on any machine L2-same L1-7/5 calories
5 shuttle runs (25 ft) L2-same L1-3 shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle run = 25 ft out + 25 ft back.
Post-workout: Accumulate: 100 hollow rocks
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 cobra stretch - :30 alternating scorpion stretch