WED 9/20/23 WOD

Warm Up - 3 sets:  :40 lateral hops over the DB - :10 rest - :30 alternating shoulder taps - :10 rest - :20 hollow rocks - :10 rest – Then -  - :30 shoulder taps - :30 hanging knee raises - :30 shoulder taps in pike - :30 knees-to-armpits - :30 partial wall walks - :30 toes-to-bars - :30 wall walks - 5 knee raises – 4 knees to elbows – 3 toes to bar – Mini round:  with partner – 10 toes to bar – 4 wall walks –

Partner WOD
40 toes-to-bars L2-knees to armpits L1-30 hanging knee raises
12 wall walks L2-12 wall step ups L1-12 pike / feet on box or pushup plank shoulder taps
– One athlete works at a time. Athletes may alternate as they see fit.

3 Rounds for Time

Individual WOD

:45 Bike (easy/medium pace)

:15 Bike (all-out effort)

10 Rounds for total Cals

Post WOD – 1:00 banded shoulder stretch / side


THU 9/21/23 WOD


TUE 9/19/23 WOD