THU 7/18/24 WOD

Warm Up - 30 jumping jacks - 5 single-arm dumbbell deadlifts/arm - 10 single-dumbbell goblet squats - 5 single-arm dumbbell shoulder presses/arm - 10 up-downs - 5 single-arm dumbbell cleans/arm - 5 single-arm dumbbell push presses/arm - 10 up-downs - 5 single-arm dumbbell clean and jerks/arm - 10 up-downs – Pull up:  15 sec hollow hang – 3 kip swings – 2 small kips + 1 big kip – 2 kips + 1 pull up – 2 kip swings + 1 pull up + 2 kip swings – 5 kipping pull ups – Butterfly practice:  5 scap circles – 5 scap circles + quarter pull up – 5 scap circles + kick – 5 butterfly pull ups – Prep:  2 sets:  5 pull-ups - 5 single-dumbbell clean and jerks/arm – Rest 1:00 between sets.

Pull-ups L2-jumping pull ups-L1-ring rows
DB clean and jerk/right arm L3-50/35 L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
DB clean and jerk/left arm L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#

For time

Strength – Deadlift – 3-3-3-3-3 (3 min per set)

Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side or accumulate 2:00 in hang


FRI 7/19/24 Partner WOD


WED 7/17/24 WOD