THU 5/30/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets: :20 up-downs - :10 rest - :20 PVC good mornings - :10 rest - 2 sets: :20 burpees - :10 rest - :20 PVC snatch grip behind-the-neck presses - :10 rest – 1 set: 5 alternating elbow-to-instep/side – Snatch: 3 snatch DL to mid thigh – 3 snatch pulls – 5 power snatches – 5 overhead squats – 5 squat snatches –
Cycling Snatches
1 set: 5 cycled power snatches (empty bar light weight) - 2 sets: 4 bar-facing burpees - 5 power snatches (building) - 1 set: 2 unbroken snatches - 1 snatch - 6 bar-facing burpees - 2 unbroken snatches - 1 snatch – Use weight 1 for all snatches –
2 rounds for time:
10 snatches L3-175/125# L2-135/75# L1-75/55#
12 bar-facing burpees L2-10 reps L1-8 reps (step over)
Right into…
2 rounds for time:
10 snatches L3-115/75# L2-95/65# L1-45/35#
12 bar-facing burpees L2-10 reps L1-8 reps (step over)
Strength – Snatch – 1-1-1-1-1 (2 Min per set)
Post WOD – Accumulate: 30 reach, roll, and lifts