THU 4/18/24 QUARTER FINAL 24.1
Warm Up - 10 pulls on the rower (easy pace) - 5 elbow-to-instep/leg - 10 box step-ups - 1 set: - 10 pulls on the rower (moderate pace) - 5 jumping air squats - 10 dumbbell box step-ups - 1 set: - 10 pulls on the rower (fast pace) - 5 up-downs - 10 dumbbell box step-ups – Snatch warm up: 4 DL shrugs – 4 muscle snatches – 4 hang power snatches – 4 power snatches – 4 power snatches (working load) – Mini round: 2 sets: :20 snatches (workout weight) - :20 rowing for calories - :20 dumbbell box step-ups (workout weight/height)
– Use workout load.
– No rest between movements, rest 1:00 between sets –
1 minute of snatches L3-135/85# L2-115/75# L1-45/35#
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups L3-50/35# 20/20” L2-35/20# 20/20” L1-15/10# 20/12”
1 minute of rest
POST WOD - 1:00 double-forearm stretch - 1:00 seated hamstring stretch