THU 1/12/23 WOD

Warm Up - 2 Laps - 10 Pushups - 5 Down/Up Dogs - 15 sec Table hold - 15 sec Hang - Arm Circles - 10 Rock from Heel to Toe - Ankle Circles - 5 Slo-mo Squats - 30 sec Pride Squat - 10 Side Lunges - 10 Goose Steps - Empty Bar - 5 Good Mornings - 5 Front Squats Squats - 2 Rounds - 1 Lap - Bar Warm Up - Front Squat - 7-6

Strength WOD - Front Squat - 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (Compare to 11/8/22)

WOD - 10 Min AMRAP (5/19/22)

1 Thrusters L3-95/65 L2-65/45 L1-55/35

1 Pull ups L2-Banded L1-Ring Rows

2 Thrusters L3-95/65 L2-65/45 L1-55/35

2 Pull ups L2-Banded L1-Ring Rows

3 Thrusters L3-95/65 L2-65/45 L1-55/35

3 Pull ups L2-Banded L1-Ring Rows

Etc. Continue up the ladder for 10 Min

For Total Reps


FRI 1/13/23 WOD


WED 1/11/23 WOD