SAT 8/27/22 - 9am - 11am - OPEN GYM / Partner WOD -
Partner WOD - Share the work / only 1 works at a time -
40 Thrusters L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-65/45#
400m Run (Both Partner Run 400m at the same time) L2-300m L1-200m
40 GHD Sit ups L2-Med Ball Sit ups L1-Abmat Sit ups
30 Thrusters L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-65/45#
400m Run (Both Partner Run 400m at the same time) L2-300m L1-200m
30 GHD Sit ups L2-Med Ball Sit ups L1-Abmat Sit ups
20 Thrusters L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-65/45#
400m Run (Both Partner Run 400m at the same time) L2-300m L1-200m
20 GHD Sit ups L2-Med Ball Sit ups L1-Abmat Sit ups
For Time