SAT 4/6/24 - 9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -
Warm Up - 1 set: 1:00 row - 10 burpees - 10 hang muscle cleans - 10 good mornings - 10 shoulder presses - 1:00 row - 10 burpees - 10 hang muscle cleans - 10 good mornings - 10 push presses
Build Up: 1 set: 5 push presses (add weight) - 5 push presses (workout weight)
Mini round: 1 set:
10/8 calorie row
6 lateral burpees over the bar
6 push presses
Partner WOD - Alternate movements in each round -
10 push presses L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-45/35#
12 lateral burpees over the bar L2-same L1-8 lateral burpee bar step-overs
25/20 calorie row L2-20/15 calorie row L1-15/12 calorie row
8 Rounds for Time