SAT 4/1/23 - 9am - 11am - Partner WOD / OPEN Gym -
You Pick the Weight – Max Reps
4 Min Max Reps Deadlift – Team score is rep number times weight –
Both members must use the same weight.
You must use the weight you choose for the entire workout.
Male Female
275# 185#
185# 125#
115# 80#
-Rest 2 Min-
8 Min to Heaviest Complex – Team score will be the combined heaviest lift by each partner -
Deadlift + Hang Clean + Shoulder to Overhead – Lifter must pause for 1 second before performing the next movement. (ex. DL (hold 1 sec) Hng Cln (hold 1 sec) S2OH)
All three movements must be successfully lifted without dropping the bar for the lift to count.
Again, the combined heaviest lift of each partner will be the team score.