SAT 11/16/24 -9am - 11am- Open Gym / Partner WOD

Partner WOD

Warm Up

3 rounds:
:40 row, bike, or ski each partner
– One partner moves through each one of the stretches from the list while the other works.
1) Alternating toy soldiers, slow
2) Alternating Samson stretch
3) Alternating plank reach throughs

1 round:
:20 plank hold from knees (hands or elbows)
:20 plank hold (hands)
:20 plank hold (elbows)
1 round:
:10 passive bar hang
:10 active bar hang
:10 hollow hold
:20 active bar hang
– Practice holding a hollow body position on the final hang.

1 round each:
8 calories
– Non-working partner holds a plank.

1 round each:
8 calories
– Non-working partner hangs from a bar.

20 Min AMRAP
Max-cal on any machine

From :00-5:00 the non-working partner holds a plank

From 5:00-10:00 non-working partner hangs from a bar.

From 10:00-15:00, the non-working partner holds a plank.

From 15:00-20:00, non-working partner hangs from a bar.
– Partners can only accumulate calories if their partner is holding or hanging.

Post WOD - 1 set: 200-meter recovery walk - 2 sets: :30 lacrosse ball chest mash/side - :30 doorway pec stretch/side


MON 11/18/24 WOD


FRI 11/15/24 WOD