MON 11/18/24 WOD
Warm Up - 200-meter run - 10 Samson lunges - :30 PVC overhead squats (pause in the bottom) - :30 ring support hold - :30 ring rows - :30 kettlebell deadlifts - 200-meter run - 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - :30 PVC overhead squats (pause in the bottom) - :30 strict ring dips - :30 strict pull-ups - :30 handstand push-up negatives - 10 Russian kettlebell swings - 200-meter run - 10 hamstring scoops/leg - :30 PVC overhead squats (pause in the bottom) - :30 strict ring dips - :30 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups - :30 handstand push-ups - 10 kettlebell swings
WOD – “Nate”
20 Min AMRAP
2 ring muscle-ups L2-2 jumping ring muscle ups L1-2 ring rows + 2 bench dips
4 handstand push-ups L2-3 handstand negatives L1-HOD Push ups
8 kettlebell swings L3-70/55# L2-55/35# L1-35/20#
15 GHD sit-ups
:30 plank hold (forearms)
Rounds + Reps
Post WOD - 1:00 banded overhead shoulder stretch/arm