MON 6/26/23 WOD

Partner Warm up
Finish the third round go cycle back through the 3 rounds until the clock hits 6:00.

Round 1: - Partner 1: 100-m jog - Partner 2: PVC overhead alternating lunges (Partner Switch Movements when P1 gets back) - Round 2: - Partner 1: 50-m side shuffle each direction - Partner 2: alternating lateral lunges (Partner Switch Movements when P1 gets back)
Round 3: - Partner 1: 100-m run backwards - Partner 2: PVC hang squat snatch (Partner Switch Movements when P1 gets back)

Empty Bar – 5 muscle snatches – 5 Power Snatches – 5 Overhead squats – Add Light Weight – 3 Muscle snatches – 3 Power snatches - 3 Overhead squats –

Progressively add weight to bar:  3 Muscle snatch + 2 Power snatch + 1 Overhead squat – 8 Rounds (Try to work to a weight 10# above the weight you will use for the workout)

Overhead WOD Prep: 10 Overhead squat reps (workout weight) - Rest 1:00 – 2 Rounds

400m run L2-400m run L1- 300m
15 overhead squats L3-95/65# L2-65/45# L1-35/15#

5 Rounds L2-4 Rounds L1-3 Rounds

For Total Time

Post WOD – 1 min calf roller (Rt/Lt) – 1 min quad roller (Rt/Lt)


TUE 6/27/23 WOD


SAT 6/24/23 - 9am - 11am - Partner WOD / Open Gym