THU 8/31/23 WOD
Warm Up - 10 jumping jacks - 10 over-the-fences - 10 jumping jacks - 10 Samson lunges - 10 jumping jacks – 2 sets - :30 easy row arms straight then bend legs - :30 row with :01 pause - :30 hard row with :01 pause - :30 hard row no pause slow return - :30 hard and fast row – Running Drills: 25-ft down and back: heel pulls – fall forward run – Then – 100m run :30 rest – 3 sets – Jump Rope: jump in place (no rope) – single unders – 2 singles + 1 high jump – 2 fast singles + 2 slow singles – 2 singles + 1 double under – WOD Prep: 4 min EMOM: Even: calorie row - Odd: 10 double-unders – Row slowly during the first 1:00; then, pick up the pace to workout effort on the second row. – Use workout variation for the jump rope.
WOD – 10 Min EMOM
Odd: 25 double-unders L2-15 double unders or attempts L1-25 high jump singles
Even: row for max calories
Rest 5:00
For time:
1-mile run L2-1200m run L1-800m run
Post WOD - :30 couch stretch each leg - :30 lacrosse ball calf roll each leg