FRI 3/17/23 WOD

Warm Up

30 sec singles - Trunk twist - Arm circles - Walking Lunge - 5 Squats - 5 Push ups - 30 sec running singles - 5 Pull ups - 5 Lying T2B - 5 Wall Step ups/Handstands – 5 Banded Good Mornings - 30 sec Double unders - 10 Down Dogs - 5 Hamstring Raises / Superman - 10 PVC SOTTS Presses - 5 Kips - 3 Big levers - 1 C2B Pull up - 5 Deadlifts (add weight to working weight) - 2 HSPU - 3 Rounds

WOD – (Compare to 3/21/18)


25 Min AMRAP
11 C2B Pull ups L2-Pull ups L1-Banded/RingRows
2  Deadlifts 315/215# L2-215/145# L1-105/70#
10 HSPU L2-Modified L1-25ft Bear Crawl

For Rounds + Reps


SAT 3/18/23 - 9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -


THU 3/16/23 WOD