FRI 1/3/25 WOD

Warm Up - 2 sets:  10 row strokes | arms and hips only, legs stay straight - 10 PVC pass-throughs - 10 scap shrugs on rings or pull-up bar - 5 dumbbell swings/arm - 2 sets:  5 kip swings - 5 dumbbell strict presses/arm - 5 kipping knee raises - 5 dumbbell push presses/arm – 30 sec partial T2B – 30 sec T2B – 30 sec multiple T2B – 5 DB Hang shrugs / side – 5 DB hang cleans / side – 5 DB S2OH / side – 5 DB hang clean & jerks / side - 1 round:  3 toes-to-bars - 3 dumbbell clean and jerks/side - 15 strokes on the rower  – Use workout variations.

WOD – 20 Min AMRAP

8 toes-to-bars L2-knees AHAP L1-Lying T2B
10 DB hang clean and jerks L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
14/12-cal row L2-same L1-same
– Perform 5 clean and jerks with one arm, then 5 with the other.

Post WOD - 2 sets:  :30 child’s pose stretch - :30 saddle stretch


SAT 1/4/25 - 9am - 11am - Open Gym / Partner WOD -


THU 1/2/25 WOD