WED 6/29/22 WOD

Warm Up - 3 Laps - Bear Crawl - Inchworm - 5 Squats - 5 Push ups - 5 Lying T2B - 5 Strict Pull ups - 10 Side Lunge steps - PVC Pass Thrus - SOTTS press

Movement Prep - 5 reps of each movement for 3 Rounds

Partner WOD (Compare to 3/3/22)

60 Back Squats 135/95# (From the Rack) L2-95/65# L1-65/45#

50 Calorie Row / 40 Cal Bike

40 Pull ups L2-Banded Pull ups L1-Ring Rows

50 Alt Back Rack Lunges (From the Rack / In Place)

40 Calorie Row / 30 Cal Bike

30 Pull ups

40 Back Squats (From Rack)

30 Calorie Row / 20 Cal Bike

20 Pull ups

For Time

**Share the Work**

**Only one partner works at a time**


THU 6/30/22 WOD


TUE 6/28/22 WOD