WED 3/29/23 WOD
Warm Up - 20 Jumping Jacks - 10 Squats - 10 Hollow Rocks - 20 Mountain Climbers - 5 Down/Up Dogs - 10 Push-ups - 20 Zig Zags - 30 sec Push-up Plank - 20 Heel Pulls - 10 Goose Steps - PVC - 5 Pass Thrus - 10 Around the World - 5 Back Presses - 5 SOTTS Presses - 2 Rounds of Snatch Complex - Empty Bar Warm Up - 5 sec Overhead Hold - 5 sec OHS Hold - 3 Rounds - 1 High Hang Squat Snatch - 1 Low Hang Squat Snatch - 1 Squat Snatch - 2 Rounds - 1 Round of Snatch Progression -
Strength WOD – Snatch Progression – 5 Rounds (Compare to 1/26/23)
Strength WOD – Snatch Complex – 5 Rounds (Compare to 1/26/23)
Tabata Burpees
20 sec max reps
10 sec rest
8 Rounds for Total Reps