WED 3/16/22 WOD

Warm Up - 2 Laps - 10 Pushups - 5 Down/Up Dogs - 15 sec Table hold - 15 sec Hang - Arm Circles - 10 Rock from Heel to Toe - Ankle Circles - 5 Slo-mo Squats - 30 sec Pride Squat - 10 Side Lunges - 10 Goose Steps - With Bar - Airplane Twist (Rt/Lt) - Empty Bar - 5 Good Mornings - 5 Back Squats - 2 Rounds - Bar Warm Up - Back Squat - 5 - 4

Strength WOD - Back Squat - 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (Compare to 12/15/21)

WOD (Compare 9/23/21 or 4/5/21)

25 Pull ups / Banded / Ring Rows

50 HOD Push ups

75 Squats

2 Rounds for Time


THU 3/17/22 WOD


TUE 3/15/22 WOD