WED 12/11/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: :40 shuttle runs - :20 rest - :40 plate ground-to-overheads - :20 rest - :40 alternating Cossack squats - :20 rest – Shuttle run is 25 ft out 25 ft back – Rack position prep: 1 set: :20 back rack elbow raise, right arm - :20 back rack elbow raise, left arm - :20 back rack alternating elbow raises - :20 back rack elbow raises, both elbow Squat position drill: 3 sets: 1 front squat initiation + pull elbows up before standing - 1 front squat to above parallel + pull elbows up before standing - 1 front squat below parallel + pull elbows up before standing – Thrusters: 10 full grip front squats – 10 squat stance push presses – 5 thrusters -
Strength WOD – Thrusters - 5-5-3-2-2 (2 Min per set) – Then – 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (1 min per set)
-Rest 5 Min-
Max-rep thrusters – Use 60% of the 1-rep-max.
For Total Reps
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 scorpion stretch hold/side - :30 pigeon stretch/leg