WED 1/19/22
Warm Up - 20 Singles - 10 Squats - 10 Push ups - 10 Sit ups - 20 High Jump Singles - 5 Down/Up Dogs/Child Pose - 10 Pull ups - Bear Crawl/Inchworm - 20 Double unders - Bar Warm Up - 5 Squat Snatches /5 Squat Cleans / 5 Deadlifts - 3 Rounds to working weight -
WOD (Compare to 9/6/21)
200 Double unders
30 Squat Snatches L3-95/65# L2-65/45# L1-55/35#
150 Double unders
30 Squat Cleans L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45#
100 Double Unders
30 Deadlifts L3-185/125# L2-135/95 L1-95/65#
50 Double unders
For Time