WED 11/1/23 WOD

Warm Up - 2 sets:  20 jumping jacks - 10 leg swings/leg - 20 walking lunge steps - 100-m jog - 10 PVC pass throughs - 2 sets: - 5 deadlifts to mid-thigh - 5 deadlift shrugs - 5 muscle snatches - 5 power snatches – Complete the first set with a PVC and the second with a barbell. - 3 sets:  3-5 power snatches (building)

Strength WOD - Power snatch - 5-4-3-2-1
WOD - 15 Min Cap
50-calorie bike L2-40 calorie bike L1-30 calorie bike
50 overhead squats L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-55/35#
50 alternating DB snatches L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#

For Time

Post WOD - 1:00 couch stretch/side - 1:00 forearm stretch/side


THU 11/2/23 WOD


TUE 10/31/23 WOD