TUE 7/30/24 WOD
Warm Up - On a 5:00 clock: Plank tap relays - touch every KB with each hand (to the left and right) - 3 sets: :20 plank hold - :20 single-dumbbell box step-ups - :20 deadlifts – Rest 1:00 between sets -
Strength – Deadlift – 5-5-5-5-5 (2 min per set)
1:00 plank hold
1:00 single-DB box step-ups L3-24/20” 50/35# L2-20/16” 35/20# L1-16/12” 20/15#
1:00 deadlifts L3-225/155# L2-155/105# L1-95/65#
– No rest between rounds –
4 Rounds total reps
Post WOD - 1:30 couch stretch/leg