TUE 5/7/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3:00 run, row, bike, or ski - 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Cossack squats - :20 mountain climbers - 10 counterbalance squats - 1 set: Snatch or Clean10 snatch deadlifts (empty barbell) - 10 snatch deadlifts to mid-thigh - 10 snatch deadlift and shrugs - 10 muscle snatches - 10 overhead squats - 10 hang squat snatches - 10 squat snatches –
Strength – Snatch or Clean – 5-5-5 (50-60%) 4-4 (60-70%) (3 Min per set)
Run 800 meters L2-600m L1-400m
– Rest 2:00 between rounds –
4 Rounds for total time
Post WOD – 2 sets: :30 calf stretch/leg - :30 standing pike stretch