TUE 4/26/22 WOD
Warm Up - Walking Lunge - Side Lunge - 10 push ups - 10 sit ups - 10 Pull ups - 10 Squats - Arm Circles - PVC - 10 Pass Thrus - 10 Around the World - 10 Back Presses - Shoulder Stretch - 1 Min (each) Banded elbow - Movement Prep - 5-4-3 reps of each movement -
WOD - 30 Min EMOM (Compare to 4/28/21)
Min 1: 20 Toes to Bar L2-K290 L1-Lying T2B
Min 2: 12 Ground to Overhead L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45#
Min 3: -Rest-
Min 4: 12 Over the Bar Burpees
Min 5: 60 Double Unders / High Jump Singles
Min 6: -Rest-
5 Rounds