TUE 3/5/24 WOD
Warm Up - 10 leg swings/leg - 10 unweighted good mornings - 10 walking reverse lunges - :30 narrow stance air squats (keep heels down) - 10 lateral leg swings/leg - 10 single-leg toe touches/leg - :30 alternating standing figure four stretch - :30 air squats - 10 inchworms + 1 push-up/rep - 10 alternating cossack squats - :30 jumping lunges - :30 air squats – Rower warm up: 200/170m (easy) – Rest :30 - 200/170m (moderate) – Rest 1:00 - 200/170m (hard)
Every 4:00
500 / 400m Row
– Rest the remaining time in the interval.
– Score is slowest interval.
5 Rounds
Post WOD - 200-meter cooldown walk - 1:00 couch stretch/side - 1:00 hamstring stretch/side