TUE 2/27/24 WOD

Warm Up - 4 sets:  :40 easy row - :20 hard row - 1 set: - :30 scorpion stretches/side - :30 elbow instep/leg - :30 hamstring stretch/leg - 10 squat-to-stands - 1 set:  5 hang muscle cleans - 5 tall power cleans - 5 hang power cleans - 5 hang squat cleans – Use an empty barbell - 3 sets: - 1 clean pull - 1 hang power clean - 1 hang squat clean – Build in load to just under your first working set –

Strength – 1 clean pull, 1 hang power clean, 1 hang squat clean – All hang reps start from above the knee – 6 Rounds (2:30 each set)

4 rope climbs L2-2 climbs as high as possible L1-4 hand over hands
12 GHD sit-ups L2-Med ball, straight leg sit ups L1-straight leg abmat sit ups
16 single-leg squats L2-assisted L1-back step lunges

3 Rounds for Time

Post WOD – 3 sets:  :30 cobra stretch - :30 Spiderman stretch, left - :30 Spiderman stretch, right


WED 2/28/24 WOD


MON 2/26/24 WOD